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The Rare Gazelle

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Información sobre The Rare Gazelle

Hello. My name is Reem. In my birth place of Iraq, 'Reem' in Arabic translates to a, 'gazelle.' I am an intuitive energy oracle. I have the capabilities of visualizing energy. My great ancestors expand into the land of Ancient Mesopotamia. It is with their presence and guidance that I channel messages through clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsintience. I am always learning, growing, and evolving my spiritual gifts to be of greater service. I am not a perfect person. I have many flaws. I do not claim to know anything.
I am here experiencing life, chaotically and beautifully as me, and sharing what I have witnessed and the beauty of what's to come. My Spirit team and I are always looking out for your highest good and best interest. It’s important to us that your well-being is protected and loved in all aspects.
Love, Light & Darkness

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