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Brightspark1505 (#STOPSSSP2W)

182 subscribers

About Brightspark1505 (#STOPSSSP2W)

(Note: I don't celebrate any event that is illegal to my nationality.)

Hello to all of my viewers and subscribers! My name is Brightspark1505. I am a YouTuber who tries to upload daily videos for content in this streaming app, but it's really not that easy for me right away. Some days I have problems on uploading new videos, and yes, even in some weekends. But hey, no matter where you are, what country you live in or what your nationality is, I think that you are awesome just the way you are.

That's all from me now! Have a *very* nice day!

Discord Username/Discord Display Name: brightspark1505_stopsssp2w/Brightspark1505 (#STOPSSSP2W)

Thank you and may God bless you.

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