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mingled reality

40 subscribers

About mingled reality

None of the souls seen on this channel want to hurt or scare you. They're kind, loving, and well adjusted.

Every person no matter religion or race has relatives in these videos. Don't believe me? Watch Playlist "One Night in January 2022".

A little about me. I've never been a member of any religious group or organization. Jesus is my savior. I love him more than anything on earth. Without Jesus I would not possess my soul. Having said all that the following statement is true.

There are many paths to God. All get you there properly traveled.

Your more likely to find God in a potato patch than most churches. The potato patch doesn't care about your money or offer forgiveness to get fertilizer.

No one is so far down an improper path that God won't forgive them if they show honest contrition.

Truth doesn't disappear under the weight of, scrutiny, prayer, wish, or time immortal.

Easy "A" for Forgiveness 101:
1 - Open your mouth and ask Jesus for help.
2 - Sincerity.

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