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Información sobre Cantoad

I don’t now when I’ll start making videos I hope it will be soon. 31/10/2022 Monday 4:13 pm
Unfortunately it will be in 2024 28/11/2022 Monday 5:23PM
If I’ll ever make videos,then it’ll be on my other channel 11/11/2023 Saturday 10:10PM
Sorry guys, I don’t feel like I’m ready to make videos yet 2/2/2024 Friday 12:07AM
Just today got my 13th subscriber 8/3/2024 Friday 1:18PM
By the way, I’m also going to timestamp my comments on other videos 15/3/2024 Friday 1:36PM
By the way, ignore that sign that says "if you like my comment and you tell me then I’ll subscribe to you", because the image looks really convenient for me and I don’t want to change it again 2024/05/11 (7) 0:28
I’m going to list all of my playlists so you could listen to them and see the ones that I didn’t finish yet 1:18 (7) 27/07/2024

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