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152 subscribers

About Sans

When they told me I would had to fill quite a lot of pages with my description they weren't kidding...and they told me to do it fast so I guess I might be kind of bone'd.
But Im not a quitter so Im gonna fill this bone breaking pages to be aloud to do whatever people do here.
So hi, you already know my name and you already know that Im the funniest guy around here but you don't know much else about me.
#1 I love music,I have a instrument myself i use it when people fail to do stuff so you better believe that me and my
trom-bone will be there.
#2 You should know that my brother kinda knows how to cook and believe me or not Im also interested in cooking... well I don't know much so if I do cook something be prepared for a bonefull meal.
#3 I can't stand unfair judgments Im a guy of justice.
If someone who deserves to be in jail or worse.. and somehow they get away untouched I'll make sure he/she will get their
#4 I love to sleep it's my favorite hobby.
Huh this was short.

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