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Camell Kachour

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About Camell Kachour

My name is Camell Kachour,
I obtained my Ph. D in mathematics at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia) in November 2013. Dr. Michael Batanin was my principal supervisor, and Dr. Ross Street was my associate supervisor.

I specialise in Higher Category Theory, a new branch of mathematics which has only begun to be explored in recent years. With regard to Higher Category Theory, I espouse the "Globular Approach." This "Globular Approach" is the framework within which my research is positioned and carried out, and which was the geometry of higher category theory chosen by Grothendieck in Pursuing Stacks.

I was awarded one of the most prestigious scholarships at Macquarie University, the iMQRES (International Macquarie Research Excellence Scholarship), which allowed me to undertake and complete my doctoral research (Ph. D) project.
I currently have six articles published...

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