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Spirit firist GLOBAL TV

3,980 subscribers

About Spirit firist GLOBAL TV

I help free people from mental bondage.
My channel Is for anyone who are seeking to find meaning and purpose for their lives by becoming their own best friend. My audience wants to know how to prepare and protect herself spiritually, emotionally, financially, intellectually and physically, in order to be ready for the opportunities and divine fulfillment that awaits them. My audience know that it is possible to free themselves from self-hatred self-loathing and spiritual turmoil or stagnation. They want clear, accessible information on how to achieve a holistically balanced life. Are you feeling emotionally drained, mentally overwhelmed and spiritually stuck. learn to be proactive and determined to unlock your inner spiritual gifts and and improve your spiritual welling and holistic self-care.
How can I make time for spiritual self-care?
How can I make time for spiritual growth?
How can gratitude help me heal and transform my life?

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