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About GamerulVerdeLLL

hey! sunt cel mai nebun in lume aici,eu fac videouri casa distrez si amuz pe cei care se uita la ele,daca cel putin o persoana vrea sa continui o serie o sa fac asta pentru ei! desigur acum am limite,de exemplu fara videouri innapropriate,sunt copi aici! oh si postez variante in engleza la videourile mele si vice versa,am vrut sa fiu youtuber inca decand aveam 5 ani si acum am devenit de ziua mea!
hey! i am the worlds craziest here,i make videos to entertain and amuse the ones who view them,if atleast a single person wants me to continue a series i will do it for them! ofcourse i have limits,for example no innapropiate videos,theres kids here! oh and i post english variants of my videos and vice versa,i wanted to be a youtber ever since i was 5 years old and now i became one on my birthday!

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