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Oh Quiz

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About Oh Quiz

"Welcome to Oh Quiz - the home of creative and exciting puzzles! At Oh Quiz, we present a wide range of intellectual challenges, from simple logic puzzles to complex ones, aiming to stimulate your thinking and explore your reasoning abilities. With each video on the channel, Oh Quiz brings a fresh and engaging experience, helping you not only relax but also expand your knowledge and reasoning skills.

A few words about the Oh Quiz team. I am a lecturer, and one day while preparing my lesson plans, I came up with the idea of creating fun puzzles related to the topics covered. The result was that my students were very excited about these puzzles, which also motivated me to start this YouTube channel. It takes me about 24 hours or even more to come up with ideas and create these videos.

Every subscription is a great motivation for us to continue producing quality content. Thank you for accompanying Oh Quiz!"

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