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About MovieMakerMax

Hello, welcome to my channel and thanks for bothering reading my profile. Originally I joined YouTube on account called maxustech12 on November 29 2009. However back then I was really young, naive and derpy kid/teenager that all did was watching only Lego stop motion videos, Transformers and Marvel toy reviews. Somewhere around 2010 I lost access to that account (it still exists) thus created second account named maxtech21. On that account I was more active particularly in Lego Bionicle community called Bio-Tube. I have done my first videos on that account but they were bad plus along the way I made some of my first friends there too. However around autumn 2011 due to personal reasons I deleted that account and in generally quit it with YouTube. Few months later I decided to join YouTube again thus third/current account VideoMakerMax aka MaximumTechnological was born. However because this Google+ thing came I got discouraged of being active much. Now that's being changed so stay tuned!

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