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David Donaldson

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David Donaldsonの説明

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My name is David. I'm a country, teenage, patriotic American and the only man I fear is God. I write my own music and my hobbies include baseball, (Been playing for 10 yrs) other sports, helpin' on farms and doin' dumb stuff with my friends.

I'm sarcastic and stubborn, not to mention I've lost count of the amount of ppl I've offended. I'm anti lgbtq, BLM and I hate liberals. I'm conservative and Republican and would kill/die to protect and defend our flag 🇺🇸

Country music is by-far the best kind of music hands down. Rap runs a close race.

Philippians 4:13- "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

Anyways I don't post many videos but I try to post stuff in community. I hope u have a great day unless u're liberal. 👋🏻

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