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Michelle Servant of JESUS

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About Michelle Servant of JESUS

Upon this rock I shall build my church and the Gates(Bill) of Hell shall Not prevail against it! SAY NO TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND THEIR MARK! We're at the end of all things my brethren. You've been lied to. They want you to believe that JESUS is not real and that you aren't the child of the Most High and meanwhile they blatantly worship Lucifer & rub your face in it. WAKE UP! They want your children, to eat, to screw, to generate their wealth while poisoning u with GMOs, Monsanto, VACCINES, 5G(EMF,) ETC. Dr.s harm, police brutalize, D.C. enslaves all while saying it's best for you. NEWS FLASH: they WORK FOR SATAN and he wants your miserable soul, Forever! Only the LORD can save you!The way out of the matrix is through the LAMB of God! Choose ye This day whom ye shall serve! Choose wisely! Time's up alright and things will get much, much worse so Remember to be brave, faithful and to pray ceaselessly! May the Most High bless and keep you! 🙏 ❤❤ DON'T TAKE THE MARK!

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