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AirborneRanger - Ret

158 subscribers

About AirborneRanger - Ret

I retired from the US Army as an 0-5, represented the US at the biannual Canadian Army Trophy, did troop time and staff time, as well as time as the military history instructor at the US Armor Center. Earned the Airborne, Ranger, NBC skill identifiers along the way. Now I'm a tenured professor in a STEM field with an MS, EdS., and doctorate in my field.
I've lived all over the world (12+ years) and l have strong feelings about my country.
InfraGard Member Alliance. Bronze Star Medal Assc., American Legion, VFW, DAV.
MCSE+I, CCNA, CIW Web Security Specialist, CIW Security Analyst, Novell CNA, CompTIA A+, CompTIA IFT+ and others.

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