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Ah! I see you've stumbled onto my channel's description! Well well well, may I interest you in some forms of content? We have Minecraft, Minecraft with friends because I'm not funny enough to do commentary alone, and our most popular brew, Minecraft with a mild amount of tomfoolery, pick your poison. Also, word to the wise, I do not recommend any of the Bedwars Specials, they are...distasteful, to say the least.

If you find yourself craving something different, please let me know, I will be sure to possibly glance at your comment, then either disregard it or perhaps think about it for more than two seconds, thank you.

Btw I try not to keep the bad language to a minimum and I'd appreciate it if you'd do the same, thx mate

(And for any confused viewers SickSquid8564 was my old name.)

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