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König Eurich der Westgoten

22 購読者を
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König Eurich der Westgotenの説明

"What we call barbaric today was normal yesterday and may be normal tomorrow."

"Humans are tribal creatures. We are not meant to be alone."

"Lying is a cowardly and harmful thing. It poisons the soul. It poisons the world."

"Embrace life with hotblooded passion. Fear and shame are overrated."

"Humans are clever. But animals are wiser. They have that ancient internalized knowledge. We humans also have it, but it is more difficult for us to access. Especially since we now live on the land instead of with it. Be respectful to animals."

"A man does not like raping, pillaging, and burning unless he's the one doing it."

I love Celtic/Medieval Music, 80s Rock, forests, rain, the ocean, swords, fat-bottomed girls, dogs, guns, and ice-cream... Bis später!

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