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Let’s Cook with Vanessa

16 subscribers

About Let’s Cook with Vanessa

Since I was six, I found my place in the kitchen, whether I was rolling meat balls, breading chicken cutlets, beating eggs or even washing vegetables. Whatever they would let me do I was involved lol.

In college I studied hotel and restaurant management but realized I preferred cooking for loved ones over a career that would take me away on holidays. My other passions include wellness, beauty and nutrition.

I love the concept that food is so much more than something that makes us feel full. We can actually change the quality of life we live by what we put into our bodies.

Currently, I hold a national certification through ISSA for nutrition coaching. I want to use this channel as place people can go to find budget friendly, delicious alternatives to a less healthy option of our foods. I will periodically also discuss supplementation and other interesting topics.
Pleases always consult a doctor before you try anything new to your diet.

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