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Ei2iP - Irish Amateur Radio station

325 subscribers

About Ei2iP - Irish Amateur Radio station

My current Amateur radio station is equipped with HF/10/8/6/5/4M yagis and a ground station built for LEO/MEO/GEO, ISS and QO-100 satellites, using modes SSB, CW, MS, EME and or data modes. I also have the capability to track High Altitude Weather balloons.

My radio station is constantly evolving and almost every 6 months, I expand my radio room with new equipment and antennas in order to optimise my experience in the hobby and to improve my radio station.

Overall I support and I'm a member of several Amateur Radio clubs, societies and organisations, including the IRTS, RSGB, ARRL, AMSAT USA & UK.
Within Ireland, I am a member of the following clubs, Limerick Clare Radio Club, Shannon Basin Radio Club, Donegal Amateur Radio Club, South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and Radio Scouting Ireland.
In addition I am a member of the following DX Clubs, eiDX Group and QO-100 DX Club.

Keep on Rockin!

De Ei2iP, Robbie

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