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Lucasainthere | EriKa

10 subscribers

About Lucasainthere | EriKa

(Sub to @zaaranotthere) I’m so lame. I quit.

The past celebrations: (I never celebrated when I got 1 sub or 5 subs)
1 sub 9/11/2023
5 subs 1/19/2024
10 subs 9/9/2025

Yet to come…

My vids would be about
- games
- drawing
- stuff that are things I would not post but I will anyways

Channels I love
@thicc legend
@Lunar Eclipse

My usernames on my games:

Roblox: Zanerylle24
Cookie run kingdom: wendyzly
I won’t say the rest because I’m lazy:)

My info:

Age: ???
Gender: ???
Ethnicity: Philippines 🇵🇭


This is the part when I just write more info

Birthday: ???
Maybe less info
Am I short or tall?: ???
I like saying phenomounultraimicroscopicsiliconevolcanoconiosis and supercalifragilisticexpialidocios
I have a fear of fears

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