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'Tater Tod

0 subscribers

About 'Tater Tod

Howdy y'all, I just make video game music mixes (or compilations if yer wanna be fancy wit it.) of whatever I feel like making really. So yee, that's the summary of me channel.

But since your still here, why not grab a seat and take a listen to my fine mixes?

Or why not go outside for once? Lol.

Why are you still here?

Why not go finish your homework or something instead of procrastinate on YouTube?

Why not go walk the dog, could use some walking ya know?

Or walk your cat outside, stretch them ol' legs out.

Wow, I'm surprised your still here.... Well..... uh.... there's no surprise reward at the end.

Or anything like that, so yee. Enjoy (or not, lol) the channel.

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