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Richard The Eighth

39 subscribers

About Richard The Eighth

Common law upheld by a police constable

No one is above common law and those in breach of common law will be tried in a common law court before a jury of their peers

1 You cannot hurt anyone
2 You cannot steal anyone's property
3 You cannot damage anyone's property
4 You cannot defraud anyone
5 You cannot commit breach of the peace towards anyone

You don't have to say anything to police except

I retain my common law right to remain silent

Your answer to every request should be

Q What's your name
A I retain my common law right to remain silent
Q What's your name and address
A " "
Q If you don't tell me you'll be arrested
A  " "
Q Well I'm arresting you ect ect, do you understand
A No I do not understand your authority
Q Okay well do you want to come this way
A No I don't but I will do because I feel threatened by you

You do not have to say anything because you don't

Exercise your God given inalienable common law (Supreme Law) rights they're yours and can't be taken away

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