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Tyler Sinden

1,290 subscribers

About Tyler Sinden

Documenting my journey in this thing we call life. I currently just signed up for an Ironman with very little experience with triathlons and those events. I'll be documenting and sharing my experiences as the months go on, leading up to my first Ironman.

My original goal with this channel:
Over the years I have become obsessed with bettering myself and helping those around me excel in life. Whether that is self-growth and development, fitness, financially, positivity, and other factors that will improve your well-being. When I see other people succeed with change and live a more positive life, it gives me a great sense of fulfillment.

My goal is to help give you tips & tricks that I have learned along the way through my failures and successes and I hope that I can help you achieve a better life, however, that is for you!

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