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About Healthybodz

Hello, I am Claire and I am a single mum of one teenage son. I am in my 50's and want to share my life and weight loss journey and help other people live their best lives. After my divorce I had to learn to live life on a very tight budget. I lost 6 stone cooking healthy meals from scratch and doing exercise that was free, mainly walking and doing online exercise videos through YouTube. I regularly do meditation, yoga and journaling which really helps me stay grounded in a busy world. In 2023 I had a serious car accident where my car was written off. This triggered months of ill health including high blood pressure, diabetes and severe menopause problems. My work project had come to an end and I found myself for the first time in 40 years, severely ill, jobless and on benefits. I had put some of the weight I had previously lost back on and felt like everything was falling apart. I am here trying to put my life back together and would love for you to follow my journey.

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