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About musicfan6991

Jus an Army Vet (42A) since 2010. I stream to skirt suicide and bring awareness to Military & Veteran suicide related issues.

My daughter was kidnapped in 2016 by her mom WEAPONIZIN police against me to frame me for molestin my daughter so cops didn’t bother doin they due diligence in investigatin. Partly why02Jul2023 i was swatted in Oklahoma City and the cops BELIEVED IT so now I’m in da court system DEFENDIN SLANG

Per rationale technicalities: while I perform mental health therapy assigned by my first therapist at the Oklahoma City VA who just so happens to be the Director of mental health, I stream not only my discussions of life but also my various reactions to various songs as they provide relief from inner traumas gone unspoken in most my streams.

To not capture my true original raw reactions to these songs as they assist me in my various mental health therapies throughout my journey to the end of this life, would be to disgrace my contributions to the Mental Health Field.

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