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Hello everyone I greet you all in the name of the Lord👋
HopeInGodEvangelism is created to help teach everyone both new and old Christians on how to grow good traits, qualities and improve our personalities in our Saviour Jesus Christ with lots of prayers for growth, blessings, breakthrough and assistance from the Lord and also remove all enemies' attacks with maximum restorations and fulfill life in Christ🙂
Is said a family that prays together stays together. So we (Children of the Most High) are one body in Christ. Studying and learning together can help us grow in faith no matter our imperfections and challenges in life.
Genuine wisdom comes from the Lord through studying and meditating on His word.
Feel free to join in the faith inorder to know the truth which is able to set us free from captivities and slavery of sin. God bless you as you join and become a member and an ambassador of Christ.
The Peace of Lord be with you and your beloved ones.

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