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Cutest kittens 😸 animal rescue please subscribe

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About Cutest kittens 😸 animal rescue please subscribe

Cute and interesting things cute kittens do. Thank you for liking and subscribing. Since we don't have a non-profit or any way except for our own finances to help these kittens please subscribe to help us monetize. Many of these kittens would not survive being without water alone could make them faint and pass away. Caring for animals. We teach children how to care for and be kind to pets. Like and subscribe your subscription can help us get antibiotics to treat injuries on feral cats and cute kittens and other care they need. Your subscription can do a world of good. Relax and meditate on nature. Thank you so much subscribers. We love to hear your comments sometimes when we're out in the hot sun looking and finding these stray poor kittens and their mothers we get a little overheated too and when we come home and see your likes and subscribes we're so happy. They go unnoticed hiding under abandoned cars and behind abandoned buildings. They're too feral and cannot be approached.

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