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Información sobre DatacenterDude

I started way back in the 90s with a Mechanical Engineering education, and an offer from a random friend to pull Ethernet cables through plenum ceilings in an office park for $10/hr. This led to some lucky opportunities, a lot of lessons-learned the hard way, and eventually an MCSE 2000 certification, all before getting dropped head-first on the doorstep of virtualization, 10G Ethernet, and shared enterprise storage.

For the last 20 years, I have lived in and around Enterprise tech, both hands-on, and at multiple vendors, and even helped a brand new startup successfully get off the ground as part of the first 50 employees.

In my spare time, I enjoy home projects, building my studio, live streaming, podcasting, & creating content. In my past, I was also a Guild Master and Raid leader for World of Warcraft, have almost a sick fascination with professional wrestling, and love giving tips on growing an epic beard.

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