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88 subscribers

About _Clarie-Core_

All about me

My nick name is Jade based off my favorite Gems (Jade stones) and since it’s close to my real name which will not be shared to the public. My favorite color is Sage green and my favorite season is early fall. My favorite thing to do is draw my feelings out and watch sleep deprived Gartic phone videos. I’m going to try to post more but if you have any recommendations for videos, please reach out!
Most of my videos will probably be based off of what I’ve gone through but if you want me to share your story or listen than I’m here!
Basically this channel is for people who could relate and don’t have to feel like they’re going through something alone.
This channel is a safe place and I’m here to comfort you!

I support you all! And I’m very thankful for you guys. You are special to me, each and every one of you! Please stay safe out there and keep going. 💗

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