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Jeremy Szal

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About Jeremy Szal

Jeremy Szal was born in 1995 and was raised by wild dingoes, which should explain a lot. He spent his childhood exploring beaches, bookstores, and the limits of people’s patience. He’s the author of the Common trilogy from Gollancz, a dark space opera series that includes STORMBLOOD, BLINDSPACE, and WOLFSKIN, about a drug harvested from alien DNA that makes users permanently addicted to adrenaline and aggression.

His short fiction has appeared in Nature, Abyss & Apex, Lightspeed, Strange Horizons,, the Drabblecast, and multiple anthologies. He was the editor for the Hugo-winning StarShipSofa until 2020 where he has worked as audio producer with George R. R. Martin, William Gibson, Harlan Ellison and others. He holds a rather useless BA in Film Studies and Creative Writing from the University of N.S.W. e carves out a living in Sydney, Australia with his family. Find him at or @JeremySzal

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