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Mushroom King

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About Mushroom King

just a shroomy boi. this channel might change in 7 years and change, so subscribe at one point to see the unique change.
and, you came here by comments, didn't you?..confused at who i speak of are?..alright, fine. here's a good old intro for ya.

"Welcome to the Pretend World! A place where reality bends, and your dreams come true. This place is safe, no one can hurt you here. We have a ton of characters for you to talk to, be with, or even comfort. Some of them really need it. Other worlds have merged with ours before, and that has made us grow! But you haven't seen that yet, have you? Of course not. Here..Take a soul..And i'll show you all that we do here. All the history.
And don't worry about coming home, since this is better. *I doubt anyone will miss you.*
Come with me!"

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