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Cocojor aka Monica Shigenaga

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Cocojor aka Monica Shigenagaの説明

Cocojor Hawaii offers a unique and innovative way to keep your dog clean and healthy with their Home Minicle Micro Bubble System. This revolutionary system uses millions of tiny microbubbles to penetrate deep into your dog's skin and coat, removing dirt, oil, and toxins without the use of harsh chemicals or shampoos. The microbubbles also help to improve blood circulation and promote healing. Cocojor Hawaii also offers a comprehensive online course to teach you how to use the system safely and effectively. With Cocojor Hawaii, you can give your dog the five-star spa treatment they deserve, right at home.

We focus on Healthier Solution that we need to live a Happy, Longer and most of all Healthy Lifestyle with our pets! online course for Individual and Business. Easier than ever to increase your knowledge, stay more informed, and access new training. New and better, 100% all-natural way to keep your furry babies healthy, clean and smelling great!

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