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11 subscribers

About Dayspast

This is a channel where i do things that make me happy and hopefully more and more people will be happy after watching my videos. Ps. a lot of cat videos will be on here.Pps stupid, cringy videos of me and my friends will be on here as well. Ppps BEAAAANANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! Edit: hello this is now very gay, depressed, sexually confused, and basically even more of a f*ck up, 2018 emily....... Yeh what I just described is me.... I don't post often so sorry about that.... Everyone hates me including me so that's fun....... Enjoy my sad sad pathetic life... Edit: what lē fuck no one cares about either of you. You’re both gross. Plz die. (2020) hi i’m a green hair with pronouns now 🌚 i’ve now abandoned that identity for germ da worm and i still want to die :) (2022)

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