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Ah Sim food adventure

221 subscribers

About Ah Sim food adventure

Surviving Secondary School's O-level storm, I dashed off to Singapore. By day, I tamed tempestuous machines as a factory tech whiz. Amid nuts and bolts, I indulged my artistic side with sculpture.

Earning a certificate in the art, I geared up for a Japanese kitchen gig, but the aroma of graphic design drew me in. '08 brought marital bliss and a return to my Malaysian hometown. Diapers replaced deadlines as I honed nursery rhyme skills.

Now, in the glittering landscape of 2023, I'm embracing a new role – content creator extraordinaire. Food adventure videography takes center stage. Join me as I stir, flip, and capture a medley of flavors and visuals! 🍽️📷🎉

在经历了 Secondary School 的 O水准考试风暴后,我匆匆前往新加坡。白天,我作为一名工厂技术高手驯服着难以驾驭的机器。在螺丝和螺母之间,我沉醉于雕塑的艺术世界。


如今,在光辉夺目的2023年,我正在担任一个全新的角色——卓越的内容创作者。美食冒险摄影占据了中心舞台。请加入我,一起搅拌、翻转和捕捉各种口味和视觉! 🍽️📷🎉

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