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About ADayInTheLifeOfAnEmpath

I have completely changed the direction of my channel! In early 2010's I started this channel when I was married and starting on my natural hair journey. Those older videos are still there for everyone to view. I'm still on a natural(ish) hair journey. But since my divorce in 2018, I have been thrown into another direction and path of life. I had to develop a deeper spirituality...and see I said HAD TO because I was LED to. There are levels to spirituality, which I didn't know at the time. I also didn't know I was start receiving downloads. You see...I'm an Empath, Divine Feminine and Chosen One. No...I'm not bragging...those who are on this journey know this is the hardest thing we've ever encountered! Right now there is a shift and we must take sides. This is the side I'm on.

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