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About IhatejaypeoplewithaG

Your probably seen me in the comments

And it took a lot to glo -lil tecca 2019 “glo up”

Before I listened to tecca , I was
a nothing. A loser you could say. A worthless being roaming this very earth. A homeless man shivering on the streets. But one day, my homie said, “Hey have you heard tecca ?” I said no. He turned on Treesha😩😩, I heard the pure emotions coming from his words. The beats, the vocals, the melodies, it all just clicked in my head. I cried deep emotional tears and realized this enlightenment could cause me to make something of myself. I turned my life around and became a very cool person and broke out of my shell. I became very rich and I am now richer than Jeff Bezos. He saved me. Tyler saved me. Thank you Oh mighty God TECCA . He is our savior. He saved me from living life as a loser.

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