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About HistOracle

Þū gǣst hāl, woruld. Mīn nama is Zenebech, oþþe swā þū mē nemnan meaht, Hlǣfdige Zenebech sēo Gelǣrede. Ic eom sēo gleoþe originally of Ethiopia ac hæbbe gecuren stēal in þǣm Norðhymbra rīce. Ic hæbbe eac oþre naman swā swā Zenebech of Georgia and Zenebech sēo Frēcn, ac mīn ǣrest nama biþ genōh. Mīn lufu is for rǣding, wrīting, historīe, tēon, and specan. Ic hæbbe ān sundorfeohte account on þǣr ic mīne tālas āwrītan. Ic hæbbe forgiefen þone link tō mīnum fanfiction account þæt þū magon findan and brūcan mīne spellunge. Ic hopige þæt ic eom gōd gleoþe tō þē.

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