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A LightSpeed Mentality

2 subscribers

About A LightSpeed Mentality

Welcome to my channel..A Light Speed Mentality.

Here I will discuss via vlogging my daily realizations and viewpoints as they occur to me making this a video journal of my life experiences.

These will include my overcomings as well as any setbacks or failures.

My attempts at maintaining a mental mindset in regards to properly understanding relationships with others as well as with myself and God.

It is my hope you find my vlogs helpful and a contribution to the keeping in step with what it takes to be a man of God with the qualities of a Leader and a humble servant of God.

I understand our masculinity is under attack and its time to take a stand..realizing we need to be man enough to make Jesus Lord of our lives.

So come join me and my thoughts and enter the mind of a Sigma Male with a genuine approach to life and the challenges it brings as life challenges the intelligence of a creature gifted by his Creator with a Light Speed Mentality.

Be Koo...Stay Dangerous.

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