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Suzee Q Creations

1,110 subscribers

About Suzee Q Creations

Welcome to my Channel! This is my outlet for some of the creative impulses going through my brain. I'm an artist who rescues cats and I worked in the film industry for a few decades and even ran a TV station. I'm creating many of these videos mainly for entertainment. They're all ideas that I have in my head for stories I would like to tell about subjects that intrigue me. These include things like UFOs, aliens, the paranormal / supernatural, intriguing theories, fantasy stories about elves or fairies, mermaids, Bigfoot, and fun things like that. Oh, and cats!

I've also started doing music videos and credit sequences for films, shorts, and TV shows. A lot of it is created with the help of some of the wonderful AI goodies out there. I hope you enjoy them. Have a great day!

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