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Couch Polyglot

36,100 subscribers

About Couch Polyglot

Welcome, willkommen, bienvenu, bienvenido, benvingut, benvenuto, добро пожаловать, välkommen!

I am Laura and I am a Couch Polyglot! 😄

Are you a Couch Polyglot too? Do you love learning languages in a fun, relaxed way and without leaving your couch?
My philosophy: learning languages should not be about being perfect, but about exploring and being able to laugh at your own mistakes. We are all human and we all make them 😁

I love all languages equally and so you will find a little bit of everything: polyglot interviews, progress videos and learning material for Spanish, Catalan and German. The videos are in different languages and in all non-English videos you can activate subtitles if you want.

Have fun and hope to see you around!

If you want to support me and help me to grow, please:
- Interact in the videos (like, comment) 👍
- Share my content 🎁
- Support me as a Patreon or on Ko-Fi: or🥰

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