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About KatyeKatArt

Hey! Thanks for stopping by!
This channel was mostly made to be used as a sort of Animation/Art-portfolio, an easy way for all my projects to be in one place to showcase to friends, family members, and even an art-school!
But, after one miss-click when uploading my first video - by accidentally posting it as public instead of unlisted - and it getting quite a few views before I had noticed, I decided I'd leave my channel public! (For now at least)
I truly enjoy making and posting my animatics and if you couldn't tell, I may have busted out three animatics within four days out of pure inspiration.
I hope to peruse art as a full-on career, and if you'd like to help along my journey, you can support me by following my Instagram and/or ordering from my Etsy shop!

I couldn't be happier with how this all fell into place and I'm even more inspired than ever. Thank you everyone for over 1K views! I'm surprised that you all find my stuff THAT enjoyable. Thanks again, Kat's signing off. :) ❤

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