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Baikoko in the UK 🇬🇧

10 subscribers

About Baikoko in the UK 🇬🇧

Assalamualaikum my sisters and brother❣️ Just recently updated this channel which composed of my old videos and recent videos of snippets of my life here in the UK. 🇬🇧

My name is Baikoko, a Filipina Muslimah, Aspiring Full Stack Developer or DevOps Engineer (in time I will get there In shaa Allah) ORRR Digital Marketer (we'll see what Allah wills), gorgeous wife of my hot pious husband (which I am so blessed Alhamdulillah), good daughter (I assume), dependable sister, a nurturing hot momma soon In shaa Allah and a businesswoman in the making.

Let’s live our life to our best potentials❣️ Assalamualaikum ❣️

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