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Robert R. Odle

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About Robert R. Odle

The media and even many scientists will declare a global climate crisis is upon us and then jump to radical solutions without really building the case that their plan is the best or even if it will work. Does their plan sacrifice the poor of today for the potential poor of the future. Are their plans feasible or even possible? As an engineer, I have been the technical lead on large projects with the job of developing a realistic plan.

I am here to ask the hard questions about engineering our way out of this climate evolution. I am here to challenge the plans being proposed by asking at what cost and to whom? What are our priorities? Where are limited resources best spent? Will our current plans even work, or are they even possible? I am here to suggest that our current plans are seriously flawed from an engineering perspective. I believe we are throwing trillions of dollars at the challenges with poorly conceived plans that in many cases do more harm than good.

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