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This channel stands as a testament to how badly Youtube treats its users and creators.

YT closed one of my accounts years ago for bogus reasons, never informed me why, no email, no warning. Just went to log in one day and it was gone. Then early October 2023 I awoke, went to watch a video and the video was locked with a screen pop-up telling me my comments had been removed for "scams". The only things I've ever talked about on here are bikes, solar and music recording.

Try as I might I could not remove that pop-up. Try as I might I could not watch any videos. I wracked my brain to try and think what could have triggered this, maybe it was a technical term to do with close mic'ing that had triggered this? Maybe someone at Youtube was not happy with the length of my audio cable?

No f***ing idea.

So I clicked the box to report that there had been a mistake, only to learn that the box is there to trick you. It doesn't work.

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