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OPM Melodies

5,540 subscribers

About OPM Melodies

OPM Melodies" is an online media channel specializing in Original Pilipino Music (OPM) - one of the bright spots in the Asian music scene. This channel is designed to create a space for music experiences. colorful and diverse for OPM lovers around the world.

Content of OPM Melodies:

Broadcast OPM songs: OPM Melodies offers a diverse collection of OPM songs from different decades, from cult hits to emerging music.

High-quality lyric videos and MVs: OPM Melodies takes care of every detail, providing high-quality lyric videos and MVs, helping viewers not only enjoy the music but also better understand the message in each song.

Objectives of OPM Melodies:

Create a high-quality online platform where OPM lovers can search, discover and share their passion for music.

Create a space for exchange and connection between OPM artists and fans.
With a commitment to quality, diversity and interaction, OPM Melodies hopes to become the ideal destination for all OPM music lovers.

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