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Hi I’m GOYO (Greg)
I’ve been doing Tie Dyes for a little over a year now. Boy I’ve learned so much from my Tie Dye community. I’ve spent a lot of time getting my inventory up as well as getting tools too make it easier. Getting my dyes together. I’ve been doing little pop up sales on holiday weekends. People driving by stop to pick up a few shirts and grab some business cards. I really haven’t advertised but shortly I will start putting the pop up dates on my channel and if you are in the area please stop by.
I’m getting such a kick out of this I can’t tell you and I’ve met some really great dyers from all over the world.
My wife and I have a small cannabis garden. We do about 8 plants in 50 gallon containers. That keeps us in smoke for the year and friends too. We us every part of the plant. The leaf and small stuff we make Salve that has so many uses for pain, muscle spasms pretty much anything that’s uncomfortable. It even takes the itch out of poison oak and psoriasis. Greg

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