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About TheOnlyName

•theonlyname on Discord (previously Name#0001)
•TheOnlyOnlyName on Minecraft
•Canon, Windows, and Android for Life
•I use Adobe Premiere as a video editor
•I am not planning on posting videos on this channel any time soon, as I just use this for commenting.
•My Channel Icon is a GIF if you haven't seen it :)
•I am at the Discord 200 server limit
•I was at the YouTube 2,000 subscripton limit
•I have a music playlist that I update frequently. I only put the best music that catches my ears on this playlist. You can use these songs in YouTube videos, or just listen to the music like I do. To access this playlist easily, you can simply go to
•To access this channel easily, you can go to

"The Best Name is TheOnlyName." -Digital David 8/22/20

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