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Indigo Astrea LaLuna

9 subscribers

About Indigo Astrea LaLuna

I’m a nature loving chick who raises kids, chicks, Kaya my dawg too. I am peace loving earthy mamma. I love to sing, play guitar and now my tenor Ukelele ✌🏼I am a creator of art, music and poetry✨ I am a super empath, intuit, guided by my IN-tuition, profound connection with my guides, God and phenomenal Mother Earth. A healer who is deeply blessed to follow in the footsteps of my fierce Celtic female ancestors, a long rich history of women healers. I help others navigate their path and support and guide during the journey of spiritual growth, help others clear any blockages that may slow growth spiritually or create other life difficulties, help clients establish practices vital for a balanced and strong spirit such as grounding, ritual or practice that provides spiritual solidity ensuring one’s beautiful life force is not vulnerable to negative energies and burnout, balancing empath life/the stress that comes with practicing energy work. Self care and healing practice and more💫✨🌜

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