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Rise of the Libertarian

11 購読者を
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Rise of the Libertarianの説明

This channel, I will attempt to bring to light news and information that is often overlooked by media outlets. I will do my best to present the information as non-biased as possible while trying to explain the views of a Libertarian. The fight between Blue or Red, Left or Right has allowed our country to be stripped of its wealth, our factories, and billions of tax dollars extorted from American citizens and given to countless countries and charities around the world. The Federal Reserve has created a wealth gap that has never before been seen in our country and shows no signs of being fixed if we continue to allow these events to take place.

ROTL will discuss and cover topics you may not hear anywhere else. A prime example would be the coverage of rights, your civil liberties, ways that you can exercise them legally, and ways you can get justice when your rights are violated. Thanks for viewing and I hope to see you in the comments.

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