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Información sobre blacklisterd

I promise to always thumbs down for
👎Like and subscribe👎statements. This feature is to control what I see & not to see more Mimicking fools like you beggars.😁
If you have to ask then you know you create crappy content & deserve 👎😁
Music, 👎make a point. The dreaded intro 👎Breaking News👎Unsteady or sideways cameras.
Babbling on like a ill prepared fool. 👎Click bate👎or 👎misleading headlines👎 I hate liars👎. Have character 😁
Any advertisement. You people need to Get A Job!
Or if this Liberal hellhole keeps pushing you as a crappy suggestion.
YOUTUBE has become one of the new Liberal hell holes. So I'll stick around to piss them off while supporting free speech & those they hate & target & stopped monetizing.
YOUTUBE. Rich capitalist Nazi Liberals attacking free speech & capitalism. Think about that for a while communist Libtards.

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