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Pamela Trujillo

10 subscribers

About Pamela Trujillo

(Due to intellectual property rights, the music on these slideshows may have been muted.) These are shortened versions of slide shows I have made for various customers. I have made over 300 slideshows during the past 7 or so years. If you would like a slide show made, call me at 562-699-1835 (home) or 562-639-9894 (cell). What will it cost you? 50 pictures = $125 (approximately 9 minutes), 100 pictures = $250 (approximately 17 minutes). I can provide you with ideas or suggestions to enhance your slideshow to make it perfect for your event. Log on to for further pricing and information. Thanks for taking the time to read my youtube site. You can also e-mail me at [email protected] any time.

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