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Landini Tractors

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Landini Tractorsの説明

Canale ufficiale del brand Landini. Glorioso e storico marchio italiano, progetta e costruisce un’articolata gamma di trattori efficienti e performanti, apprezzati dai mercati di tutto il mondo.
Affidabilità, facilità d’impiego, tecnologia costantemente all’avanguardia e servizio assistenza competente, fanno dei trattori Landini, la risposta ottimale a tutte le esigenze lavorative, aziendali e specialistiche.

Official channel of Landini brand. A proud and historic Italian brand, Landini Tractors designs and builds an extensive range of efficient, high-performance tractors, which are highly regarded by markets throughout the world.
Reliability, ease of use, continuously updated technology and a competent assistance service make Landini tractors the optimal answer to all work, business and specialist needs.

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